We exist to expand the sound of truth…

By engaging in relationships with people, so they may experience the life-changing power of Jesus Christ, and be equipped to expand the kingdom of God.

I’m new, what should I expect?

Resonate Church has one service at 10am every Sunday. Our services consist of modern worship music as well as a spoken message. A typical service usually runs about an hour and 15 minutes.

Where do I park?

Resonate’s building is placed in a business park, and shares parking with all businesses. So, you can park anywhere in the parking lot.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you are comfortable in! Some people at Resonate like to dress up, while others prefer to stay comfy. Whatever suits you!

Is there a separate space for kids?

Yes! When you arrive at Resonate, you can drop your kids off by the welcome desk. Kids will attend rKids during the service, where they are given a Bible lesson and have fun with games/crafts.

What about teens?

We encourage our teens to join us for our main service on Sunday mornings. Our teens also meet on Wednesday nights, for our Reverb services.

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